Kinetico Chlorine and Chloramine Systems
Highest quality water for every tap in your home.
Though chlorine is vital for stopping the spread of disease, its benefits come at a price. Chlorine tastes and smells bad. It dries skin and hair, fades clothes (bleach is made of chlorine) and can dry out the rubber seals in appliances, shortening their lives.
Kinetico’s single-tank unit is a simple solution for whole-home chlorine removal. It’s the perfect addition to a Kinetico water softener installed on a chlorinated water supply.
Simple, Yet Effective
The system provides chlorine-free water to every faucet in your home, while also protecting your water softener from the harsh effects of chlorine.
Chlorine Free Water
Single Tank
The single-tank Dechlorinators are ideal for homes with lower water flow demands.
Whole Home Solution
Kinetico’s single-tank unit is a simple solution for whole-home chlorine removal. It’s the perfect addition to a Kinetico water softener installed on a chlorinated water supply.
Chloramine Reduction System (CRS)
High-Capacity ChlorabanTM
An increasing number of water treatment plants are using chloramine, instead of chlorine, to disinfect water. Like chlorine, chloramine has an unpleasant taste and odor and can also make water more corrosive. If you currently have a dechlorination system, it will not effectively remove chloramine from your water.
NOW FEATURING Kinetico’s exclusive ChlorabanTM media – the only systems certified by the Water Quality Association for whole-house reduction of chloramine.
Single Tank
Kinetico’s Chloramine Reduction Systems, usually installed in conjunction with a Kinetico water softener, are single-tank solutions to filter chloramine from your home’s water supply.
The Kinetico CRS uses our exclusive ChlorabanTM media to deliver chloramine-free water to every faucet in your home.
Exclusive Media
Whole Home Solution
Our single-tank unit is a simple solution for whole-home chloramine removal. It’s the perfect addition to a Kinetico water softener installed on a chloramine water supply.